Solo Retreats in VT
Are you longing for a deeper connection and purpose right now? Something more than the daily ebbs and flows of fear and uncertainty in these challenging times we are living through?
Do you know what you need, but can’t carve out the time and space you need to get there?
Do you love the idea of connecting more intentionally to your inner wisdom and the natural world but aren’t sure how to achieve it?
Do you need to get away from your own space and rejuvenate – but don’t know quite how to make it happen?
Imagine – just this once you give yourself two days of dedicated, quiet “me time” to rejuvenate and connect. You walk away feeling refreshed. You’ve filled up your cup so that you can go home and keep filling for others. You’ve reconnected with your true self – the self that gets lost in the daily shuffle. You lounged in a cozy cabin and swam in a lake and sat in a hammock with a book and a glass of lemonade. You've connected to the beauty and wisdom all around you in nature. You’re inspired by thoughtful poetry and inspirational quotes. You have concrete action steps for how to bring more self care and connection into the rest of your life. You’re able to be present, calm, loving and joyful – because you got some quiet time for yourself.
And the best part is – even though you’ll be by yourself, you won’t be creating this alone. I’ll help you create a beautiful container to flourish in!
Click here for more information about the retreats!
How does it work?
Step 1 – You schedule a free 45-minute Connection Call with me. If it's a good fit, we'll decide on a date together and start planning your retreat! Retreats are typically Monday - Wednesday or Friday - Sunday.
Step 2 – You have a one-hour pre-retreat coaching phone call with me to set intentions and co-create an outline of activities
Step 3 – You show up! Trust me, that’s the most powerful part . You pack your bags, kiss your loved ones good bye, get in your car, turn the music on loud and head off, amazingly alone, to your very own retreat-created-for-you-and-by-you!
Step 4 – You’ll arrive at your destination for your two-night retreat - a cozy mountain-top cabin in Pittsford, VT on a small lake. You'll get a virtual tour of the 900-square-foot cabin including a sun porch, two bedrooms, full kitchen, one bathroom, outdoor shower, fire pit, and lakefront swimming area. You'll spend your next two days on a supported, self-guided, low-technology, close to nature retreat. You’ll unwind through guided meditation and books. You’ll spend the day walking, swimming, reading, meditating, writing, and relaxing. You'll connect deeply to the Earth around you. You'll be guided through your weekend by a library of virtual yoga created specifically for this retreat experience. You’ll have your intentions to guide you, and a rough outline for the day – enough so that you don’t feel TOO structured but not totally lost as to what to do with yourself next. You’ll sink into this beautiful container you’ve created for yourself and truly breathe deep, under the stars, in a beautiful, cozy cabin.
Step 5 – You go home, refreshed and rejuvenated – and with concrete action steps to build more self-care and connection to Earth into the rest of your life. We’ll have a debrief phone call within the week to check in, find integration for your experience, and help you move into your “every day” life with intention and care.
As a coach, spiritual mentor, writer and massage therapist, I’m thrilled to bring together my unique skills to help create and hold a beautiful space for you and your beautiful soul to rest in. You’ll spend your retreat at “The Cabin,” which was my mother’s favorite place in the world. It was her own self-care space, a place to escape to and delight in. She passed away in 2016 of pancreatic cancer and since then, my life has been rooted in living intentionally to honor her spirit and way of being generous and thoughtful.
Sharing her special place with women who long for space for themselves to rest and flourish makes my heart sing.
Here’s what to do to get started:
Book a FREE 45-minute Connection Call with me to answer any questions you may have, start setting your intentions and and look at the calendar together!
Need more information to make a decision?
Check out these Frequently Asked Questions,
contact me with any questions, or
book a 45-minute free Connection Call to see if a personalized Sacred Earth retreat is a good fit for you!
What others have experienced:
“Spending time at Chelsea's cabin allowed me space to pause and fully drop-into my own personal rhythm. Her thoughtfulness and perfect planning allowed me to be in the present moment, relax and experience the luxury of no plans or responsibilities. Based on our intentional conversations prior to the retreat, Chelsea developed a personalized schedule, guided meditations, yoga classes and readings all to meet my needs. I recommend this retreat for anyone who needs to fully exhale, have reflective time and wants to bask in the relaxation of enjoying a quiet cup of coffee early morning lakeside and swim multiple times a day.” – Andrea
“My retreat was quiet and restful. Tucked away, the woods around the comfortable cabin connected me to nature. The sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling and gently falling, sun rising and setting each day felt like a world apart. I chose to dive into a silent retreat without speaking to give space and quiet time for walks, a mountain hike, yoga, drawing, writing and reading. I realized that my life's purpose is to embrace my life fully, each and every moment.” – Kim
“The space and retreat agenda are intentionally curated to allow you to feel cared for. My retreat was cathartic and transformational, allowing me the time and space to give attention to my thoughts and feelings. I had a chance to listen to what brings me peace, and consider how I might implement habits in my lifestyle to bring true peace more often. The cabin is cozy and has everything you need to treat yourself well. Chelsea thinks of every amenity, and is truly interested in creating an experience that best serves your intentions of self-care.” – Christy
“I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical of a "self-care retreat." But after being gently guided, supported, and nourished by a day of Chelsea's retreat program, I can soundly attest that this might be the best investment you make in yourself all year. Chelsea's attentive and inquisitive spirit helps you figure out what you really want to get out of your retreat time, and her grounded presence keeps you focused on your intentions. Leave your phone behind and let the frogs, crickets, and loons soothe you as you turn off the world and reconnect with yourself.” – Joyce
Take a Photo Tour

"Spending time on this retreat allowed me space to pause and fully drop-into my own personal rhythm. Chelsea’s thoughtfulness, perfect planning and amazing cooking skills allowed me to be in the present moment, relax and experience the luxury of no plans or responsibilities."
— Andrea

"By focusing only on my self-care for this retreat, I felt like I could finally breathe, listen, taste, smell, be still, rest, grieve, pray, and enjoy being alone. A huge thanks to Chelsea who was incredibly encouraging, supportive, and flexible when it came time to set my intentions and create a schedule for the retreat. I highly recommend this retreat!"
— Liz