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Writer's picturechelsea

How Nature invites us into the sacred

phlox flowers, how nature invites us into the sacred book club May 2022

I started my business almost two years ago, in the midst of the first pandemic shutdown. As everything else slowed down around me, I realized I had been giving an incredible gift: time and space to "figure out" what to create for myself and my community.

The other incredible gift I was given was 3-4 hours/day spent outside on my family's farm. I was providing childcare for my two incredible nephews, and because there was nowhere else to go and we were all going stir-crazy inside, we would brave the cold Delaware County spring weather, don our hats and gloves, and head for the fields, the woods, or the river.

This time was such a gift because it taught me how to listen. Not just to listen to myself and my body, but to listen to the landscape I was walking every day. I started to realize that the ideas and stirrings coming up through me weren't just of my own accord. No, they were coming from the fields themselves, from the river, and from the trees.

Much of what I've created since then through my work is about connection: solo retreats, women's circles, group retreats, massage therapy, one-on-one and group coaching experiences focused on connecting to oneself, to others, or to the natural world. I love supporting people to get more comfortable being still. To grow our capacity for this type of wild listening. Not just for ourselves. For the Earth. For all the other beings we live with.

Because when you learn how to be still and really listen to the world around you, everything changes. You realize it's not all about you. You realize there's an incredible amount of potential and beauty and abundance in the world around you. You realize that each moment, each blade of grass, each bird call is precious. A miracle. Sacred.

To me, this is how Nature invites us into the sacred. But I truly believe that are a billion ways that this happens. What's your call? What have you heard? What's sacred to you?

Today is the last day to sign up for this May Spiritual Book Club where we'll delve into this topic by reading Victoria Loorz's book, Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred. Learn more here!


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