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Create Your Own Retreat

As a result of the pandemic, our concept of space, relaxation and getting away has changed. For many of us, getting away to a group yoga retreat isn't feasible or safe right now. And Vermont may be too far away for you to get to!


But what about booking yourself a solo weekend at an Airbnb nearby? 


Getting out of your regular space - especially if it has become work, home, school and everything in between - can be incredibly helpful to allow for self-care, rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. 


Maybe you long for some more space for yourself to relax without worrying about your next Zoom call or notification on your phone.


Maybe you long to unplug, to spend time in nature, and to be intentional about how you spend a few days.


Maybe you just need a day for yourself!


Delineating space for ourselves to relax and rejuvenate is necessary, powerful work...


That's why I'm offering to help you create your own retreat experience for yourself to relax and rejuvenate - wherever that may be.


"Wait, couldn't I just do this on my own?" You may be asking yourself.


Of course! And, my clients have found that having just a little bit of accountability and support in setting intentions and creating a clearly delineated "container" for this work to happen in has led to amazing results.


You'll be able to relax into exactly how you want to feel during your time away.


You won't be wondering what to do next or what you "should" be doing with your precious time.


You won't be reaching for your phone when you have a moment of stillness - because you'll be meditating or journaling or walking outside instead. Doing what you know makes you feels good!


You'll come away from your intentionally created time and space away feeling rejuvenated, grounded and centered. You'll know how to integrate more of this into your life moving forward. And you'll be refreshed and ready to keep living your one wild and precious life!



Coffee on Desk
How does it work?


  • You're responsible for:

    • Clearing your schedule for a period of time that works for you - two days is recommended!

    • Finding a quiet place where you feel comfortable and won't be distracted. This might be in your house, but I highly recommend finding a safe way to be in a different space. 


  • I'll provide:

    • A customized retreat outline for you to follow based on your intentions and needs

    • Guidance and accountability before, during and after your retreat


  • Together, we'll create:

    • ​A rejuvenating experience that allows your mind, body and spirit to relax and reset


COST = $200

Includes: 2 hours of self-care coaching, customized retreat outline, bonus guided meditations & more!



Ready for more peace, space, rest and quiet?

"Spending time on this retreat allowed me space to pause and fully drop-into my own personal rhythm. Chelsea’s thoughtfulness and perfect planning allowed me to be in the present moment, relax and experience the luxury of no plans or responsibilities."

— Andrea


Chelsea - "How's your retreat going so far?!"


Liz - "So. Good."

— Liz

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