Finding Sacred Rest within the Chaos of Modern Life
free workshop previewing upcoming group course
Wednesday, February 22
7 - 8 PM ET on Zoom
*Practice slowing down and finding sacred rest
* Cultivate new skills, practices, solidarity and community so you can deepen your own practices of slowing down, finding rest and listening to yourself
* Give yourself an experience of softening, deepening & relaxing into your body to access your own wisdom
As winter drags on, it’s easy to feel more disconnected, sluggish, and constantly reaching for your phone or other distractions to get you through the seemingly endless days of cold, gray and dark. At the same time, we live within a top-speed, go-go-go, chaotic modern society where it’s hard to catch your breath and take stock of what you really need - because you’re always running to the next thing.
So how can you cultivate sacred rest and your own sense of deep inner knowing and intuition? How do you create deep, sacred connection to yourself amongst all the noise, uncertainty and change around you?
In this workshop we’ll use guided meditation, song, journaling, and discussion as tools to investigate practical and sacred ways to slow down and listen deeply to yourself so that you finish out this long winter feeling more fulfilled, invigorated, alive, and clear on your next steps in your spiritual journey. This workshop is a preview for a 6-week group course on this same topic that begins March 15th!
You'll walk away with:
- A feeling of being nurtured, held and cozy in sacred space, taking time for yourself so you can move through your days with a greater sense of ease, clarity and purpose
- Ways to create more space in your day to rest and rejuvenate even if you have a busy schedule
- Simple practices to access more sacred rest and the deep wisdom it unlocks
Give yourself a (sacred) break!
Finding Sacred Rest within the Chaos of Modern Life: free mastercalss!
Wednesday, February 22
7 - 8 PM ET on Zoom

About Me
I merge the sacred with the practical to help people cultivate deep, supportive spiritual connection in order to move through life transitions with more joy, ease and purpose.
This involves slowing down. It involves getting to know yourself and your deepest fears, desires and longings. It involves sacred inquiry and questioning
I'm a coach, spiritual mentor, writer and massage therapist who brings groups of people together around deep earth connection, self inquiry, and sacred rest. I weave creativity, play, body work, and place-based, Earth-centered feminine spirituality together with accountability and community to create transformation on a personal and collective level. I am committed to supporting people, especially women, to access their innate peace, joy, depth and wonder!

I can’t believe the transformation in my life in such a short period of time! I feel like I am able to dream bigger and live more fully. I feel stronger and more connected to who I am and what breathes life into me. Chelsea inspires others to live with passion and listen to their inner longings. My work with her has radically changed my life!

I have profoundly appreciated my time working with Chelsea, who is a deep listener, incredibly grounded, and also real and authentic in the most relatable of ways. Thank you, Chelsea, for your time and care, and for being an example of what it can look and feel like to work towards creating an intentional and purposeful life.

I was able to reach a level that would have taken me maybe decades to find without Chelsea's gentle guidance through intentional questioning and loving feedback. She accelerated my soul searching in such a compassionate way and each session seemed to be exactly what I needed in the moment.
Finding Sacred Rest within the Chaos of Modern Life: free mastercalss!
Wednesday, February 22
7-8PM ET on Zoom