I heard on a podcast the other day that Ben Franklin used to have his best ideas as he was falling asleep.
Well, I have my best ideas, and the greatest amount of clarity, immediately upon waking up. This morning, I was able to clearly see the difference between what I get to decide about my life and what's out of my control.
What I get to decide
What time I wake up in the morning
That I'm a success story
A mindset of abundance and joy
What I believe in
What I trust
To show up for my creativity
What I do with my privilege
What's not up to me
Where my heart is leading me
What life lessons I have/get to learn along the way
Where my beliefs lead me
Other people's decisions and reactions to me and my decisions
What comes when I say yes to my creativity
The privileges afforded to me based on the body and family I was born into
I've been helped tremendously over the last two years by some amazing coaches through massive change and transformation in my life. I think what has really worked for me about a coaching mindset is channeling my desire for control into the appropriate area. I can't control what happens to me and my loved ones. I can't control what internal or external forces shape my life. I can control how I respond to those forces.
Learning this, knowing this difference and having support for this shift along the way has allowed me to do things I never would have imagined. Like writing a book. Moving back to my hometown. Starting a business. And helping women access and develop the deepest, truest parts of themselves with love and care.
I'm thinking of taking a page out of Ben Franklin's book and taking more naps in order to gain more frequent moments of clarity!